One of the many treaties of inequality in modern China, the1902 Sino-British Commercial Treaty ( also known as Mackay Treaty) expanded the British investment and trade in China. 1902年中英商约是中国近代众多不平等条约中的一个,它扩大了英国在华投资和贸易。
China commercial banks give customers many options in treaty, and the customers have a higher default tendency; 我国商业银行与客户的和约中,给予客户很多的选择权,并且客户违约倾向较高。
In fact, the insurance has been an important modern and financial tool in the management of commercial bank's risk management for long time, also give it the equal concern and explaining in new Basel Capital treaty. 事实上长期以来,保险一直作为商业银行风险管理中的一项重要现代金融工具,在新巴塞尔协议中也给予了其相当的关注和阐释。
His thought and practice about the policy toward Korea has resulted directly in the signing of the Commercial Treaty between Korea and America, and influenced the situation of Korea and the whole East Asia. 他的对朝外交思想和实践,直接导致了《朝美通商条约》的签定,从而对朝鲜乃至东亚的局势都产生了深远的影响。
In 1902, China and Grate Britain revised a commercial treaty, which was one of a series of commercial treaty revisions in Qing Period. 1902年中英修订商约,是近代英国多次逼迫清政府修订条约中的一次。
It has been the national famous commercial port from of old, and also the starting port of "the Silk Road" on the sea. It is the earliest treaty ports that opened outward in China, with more than 2000 years of commercial history. 它自古以来就是全国著名的商埠,是海上丝绸之路的始发港口,为中国最早对外开放的贸易通商口岸,拥有2000多年的开放贸易历史。
In late nineteenth Century, early twentieth Century, continue to deepen the understanding of the treaties as the foundation, the concept of commercial treaty has bright times sex and uniqueness. 19世纪末20世纪初,以不断深化的条约认识为基础,清末商约观具有鲜明的时代性和独特性。
A number of the civil customs were different from the Babylonian civil law, such as the polygamy, adoption, inheritance, contract and commercial treaty. 在多妻制、收养、子女继承财产乃至契约关系或商事活动中的民事规范,古亚述民事习惯法均与巴比伦民法不尽相同。
With the development of treaty relations, commercial treaty relations have experienced a changing process, the concept of commercial treaty also gradually formed and perfected. 而伴随条约关系的发展,商约关系经历了一个变化发展的过程,商约观也逐渐得以形成和完善。
In the late Qing Dynasty, the Qing government and personnel for the commercial treaty awareness began more fuzzy, after gradually became clear. 晚清时期,清政府内外人员对于商约的认识一开始较为模糊,后逐渐开始清晰。
The concept of commercial treaty in practice representations increasingly incline to is mature, basically formed a relatively systematic and complete system, and has a very rich connotation. 商约观在实践交涉中日益趋向成熟,基本形成一个较为系统、完整的体系,并具有十分丰富的内涵。
Due to the class historical limitations and other factors, the Qing government and non government personnel to issue know again some similarities and differences, the commercial treaty and this kind of government-owned civilian contrast is also further improve the view of the system of treaty. 由于受到阶级历史局限性等因素影响,清政府人员和非政府人员对商约的认识又出现了某些异同,清末商约观的这种官民对比也进一步完善了商约观的系统研究。